Thursday, October 20, 2005

Smallville 92

Season 5 Episode 4

People are gathered at Crater Lake enjoying the summer. Lana tells Clark he missed a spot rubbing sunscreen on her and when he asks where she points to her lips and they kiss. Lois makes a joke about them kissing that interrupts them. Lois explains that she ran into Mrs. Kent in town and she invited Lois to stay with them again. Lois satisfied that she totally ruined the mood goes for a swim. She swims out to the diving platform and hits her hit diving in the water. Chloe sends Clark into the water to get Lois, when someone swimming faster that Clark grabs Lois and brings her to shore. The stranger does CPR and Lois is enamored with the stranger the moment she opens her eyes. He gives her his name Author Curry. Lana takes Lois home. Clark tells Chloe that AC can swim faster that he can.

At Central Kansas A&M, Clark tries to sneak in to a lecture already started. Professor Milton Fines (James Marster) explain that his class is about history and history is revisionist. It is not about fact but about His-story or Her-story. He explains that you must be warily of white knights like Lex Luthor who has taken his father’s billion-dollar agriculture business and turned it into one of the leading defense contractors. They do not slay dragon, they raise them for their nefarious deeds. Clark defends Lex to Professors Fine, and he tells Clark he respects someone that speaks his or her mind. At the Talon, Lois and AC check each other out as Lois serves up orders. She tells him that the orange and green make him look like flip throw up on him. He tells her to dress him any way she likes if he can teach her how to swim. She tells him that she swims like a fish and he tells her to prove it. Leaving Professor Fine’s class, Clark apologizes to him and he tells Clark never apologize for your conviction. Clark asks him how he knows his name. Professor fine explains that he learn the names and face of his students each semester, it helps with the learning process. Professor Fines offers Clark a job as a research assistant for a book he is writing on Luthorcorp. He tells Clark that what is worst than looking for the truth is uncovering the truth and then he leaves. Back at Crater Lake Lois and AC are swimming, Lois wants to race. When Lois has a comfortable lead, AC super swims past her and is waiting for her on the docks. Sitting on the dock Lois tells AC that she was taught by NAVY Seals; AC tells her that he loves to swim with the seals. She asks him if he is a navy brat too and he tells her no. A sound hurts AC’s ears he falls into the water to investigate the noise that Lois does not hear. He gets near it and swims back to shore where Lois attends to him as he has bleeding coming from his ears. Then dead fish start to float to the surface.

A Luthorcorp employee explains to Lex that Leviathan test was successful and it exceeds all projections. Lex claims that if successful that the Pentagon will want to place one on every sub. The employee asks about it killing the seas life around it and Lex tells it does not matter if a few sea life die in defense of this country. Ac and Lois are back the Kent’s when see brings him glass water and asks him if he is all right. He tells her he is just fine and the start to make out when Clark comes in. In the barn Chloe and Clark investigate Author Curry. He is a sophomore at Miami, studying marine biology on a swimming scholarship; he is likely to make the Olympic team, and has a record for release some dolphins back into the wild. Clark tells Chloe about Bart Allen, a kid who ran too fast for his own good. At the Talon, Clark interrogates AC, when Lois pulls him aside and tells him to stop acting like an overprotective brother. Clark asks him why he is in Kansas; explains that he is here to investigate the sea life dying out in Crater Lake. He left to take care of some business and Clark follows him. AC ends up at a Luthorcorp lab with a water entrance to Crater Lake. Ac plants C4 to blow up Leviathan and Clark stops the explosion. Clark and AC meet in the water and fight. AC creates an underwater bubble that throw Clark out of the water.

At the barn on the farm, Clark tells Lois about AC criminal activity and she leaves think Clark is jealous. Ac comes out from the shadows and is amazed at Clark’s abilities. Clark convinces AC to talk to Lex first about Leviathan. They come in accusing Lex of developing a weapon. Lex tells him that the days of Clark bursting with is righteous indignation are over. Lex tells them it is not a weapon in development but high-protein kelp. AC calls him a tool and leaves. Lex tries to explain to Clark and he tells Lex his days of believing his lies are over. At Crater Lake AC is knocked unconscious but a dart.

AC is being held at the lab, where he looks sickly, blood is being drawn but a technician. Lex wants to know whom he works for and how he got his abilities. Lex leaves to demonstrate Leviathan, Clark comes to the lab and re-hydrates AC, and together they dismantle Leviathan. The pentagon representative leave think Leviathan self destructed during the test.

Lex’s is on the phone apologizing for wasting their time when Clark comes in and asks about the high protein kelp. Clark tells him he is interested in writing a paper on it. Lex tells him the project was de-railed by vandalizes and he ask has he seen Author Curry. Clark asks Lex does he ever stop to see where his life is heading. Lex tells him life is far more complicated to be seen in black and white. Clark tells him about what Professor Fine said about him. Lex replies did you tell him about my pitchfork; Clark replies no I defended up, I guess I was naïve. In the barn AC and Clark say their goodbye. AC tells Clark they show form a Junior Lifeguard Association. Clark warns him about Lex’s obsessive-ness. AC tells Clark that if he sticks to land then they will not have any more problems. Clarks goes to see Professor Fine for the research position. At Crater Lake Lois and AC, say the goodbyes and one final kiss. At the barn, Clark is doing research on Luthorcorp when Lois apologizes to Clark being thorny with him; she realized that he was only looking out for her. Clark apologizes for being overprotective. Tells Clark that she really liked AC, he was the first guy she met that wanted to better the world instead of own it. He promises her that she will find someone even more special that AC.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Veronica Mars 26

Green-Eyed Monster
Season 2 Episode 4

At Mars Investigation on a Sunday, Veronica calls the hospital to inquire about Meg’s condition. A woman, named Julie, comes in looking to hire an investigator to investigate her potential fiancé, Colin Nevis. He lives on a trust fund and she wants to know what he does with his free time. Veronica introduces her to Keith as she is leaving; alone he tells Veronica that he is too busy to take her case. Veronica says she could do the investigation and Keith tells her that she needs to concentrate on her work at the Java the Hut, her schoolwork and getting that Kane Scholarship. Veronica fake calls Julie that Keith can take the case. At Java the Hut, Veronica question Julie more about her suspicions. Alicia, Wallace’s mom, questions him about his day as he is leaving for school. As he driving down the street, Alicia coming out the house with Wallace’s brother sees the cop from Chicago driving pass Wallace and the house.

Veronica watches Colin run at the track, and gets a call from Julie for an update. Julie gives Veronica a number that has called Colin 6 times in 2 days. Alicia brings Keith a sandwich at Mar Investigations and asks him for a gun. She tells him that cop and her date 20 yrs again and that he was crazy, Keith agrees to be her bodyguard. The next morning at the Fennel residence Keith pretends to stop by in the morning with donuts. At their lockers, Veronica questions Wallace about her dad staying at his house, when Jackie shows up and they walk away, leaving a jealous Veronica behind. The cop tries break into the Fennel residence and Keith takes pictures of him in the process, when he makes a more toward Keith, Mr. Mars pulls his gun and tells him to leave and never come back. Veronica goes to see Meg and finds Duncan waiting. Meg’s parents go ballistic when they see Duncan and Veronica waiting. Veronica follows Colin to a house. She calls Julie to update her on the case, Julie freaks out over the phone, and Veronica calms her.

Veronica moves in for a closer look and realizes that he is taking Hebrew lesson, when Julie shows up and Veronica has to jump on Julie to stop her from entering the residence. At 2:27am While pondering why Duncan goes to see Meg every day, Veronica gets a call from Julie wondering the same thing about Colin and the girl in the photo on his mantel. Veronica upgrades Julie to the GOLD package and that it is a fine line in looking a problem and creating a problem. Keith goes to see Sheriff Lamb about the cop, Carl Morgan, whom he thinks, is a drug dealer. At school Weevil and his boys, approaches Veronica about being hauled in. Veronica realizes that its Weevil's earring that Lamb thought was hers. Weevil gives them privacy and discusses what Weevil knows about Curly Moran. Weevil tells her got his info from an anonymous source that called him and Veronica gets the number. Veronica calls Wallace in the middle of making out with Jackie. She offers him to help her with her investigation. As Wallace is preparing to leave, Jackie tells Wallace that she must have a talk with Veronica. Wallace warns Jackie that you do not want to get on Veronica’s bad side and Jackie replies the same.

Wallace meets Veronica and tells her that he needs to be paid tonight to smooth things over with Jackie. Veronica questions him about how serious they are, and Veronica seeing Jackie out with another guy. Outside Colin with Wallace secretly videotape, Veronica gets Colin outside to fix her flat tire. She displays her good and gives innuendo and he does not take the bait. She tells him that she needs to send in her paper and he invites her in. Inside she tempts him some more, as she uses his computer to copy his computer files. Colin realize that it is not his house but Nicholas Cage’s. Wallace impatiently comes to get Veronica and he poses as he is selling candy. She drag is Wallace away and thanks Colin for his hospitality. Veronica brings Duncan dinner. Duncan and Veronica get cozy when she asks him about seeing Meg, which abruptly ends their make out session. Later in Duncan bed, she looks over the files from Colin’s computer and realizes that Colin searched Julie’s genealogy.

In the middle of the night, there is a knock at Duncan’s hotel room. Veronica thinks it is her father, it turns out to be Meg’s sister and he makes Veronica hide in the bedroom. She needs help breaking into her sister extra computer, that her parents do not know about, and remove all the personal files. She needs to use the bathroom, comes into the bedroom, and finds Veronica. Veronica calls Mac over and she hacks the computer for them. The next morning as Duncan is in the other room Veronica begins to look at Meg’s files, when she gets a phone call from Julie, and changes her mind. At home, Keith comes out find boots on his car and Lamb tells him the truth about Carl Morgan. Veronica meets with Julie at Mars Investigation and tells her what the investigation found out: He is housesitting for Nicolas Cage and that Colin knows she is rich. Mr. Mars comes in and Julie leaves. He reprimands Veronica for taking the case and that he knows she stayed at Duncan’s all night. Veronica calls Julie with a revelation that Colin may have been looking up her father to ask his permission. Julie tells Veronica that she broke up with Colin over the phone. Keith goes to Alicia’s and takes her identification papers. Looking at a handkerchief that Colin gave Veronica comes to another conclusion. Veronica sends Julie a boxes explaining that Colin’s a trust fund billionaire, that his family has liquor company, that he does like to flaunt his wealth or his famous friends. At the office, Keith mixes up files and later he asks Veronica for help. In her room, Veronica finally searches the number Weevil gave her and it turns out to come from Logan’s house. She ask Logan about it and it turns out the night Weevil got the call was the same night of his ”Life’s Short” Party in honor of the victims of the bus accident. Carl approaches Wallace outside the Fennel house as he works on his car; he tells Wallace that he is his father.

One Tree Hill 47

First Day On A Brand New Planet
Season 3 Episode 3

Lucas and Haley read last years prediction and question why they still do it. Lucas’s prediction was that Keith and Karen would finally get married. Haley’s was that she would date a musician. They discuss going to the first day of school first before writing their prediction. Next day at school they find out their lockers are in alphabetical and that Nathan’s locker is between them. Nathan is at his locker and tells her she should have used her stage name.

Lucas walks Brooke to her locker, when she tells him that a boyfriend would have picked her up on the first day and he tells her that he had things to do. She opens her locker and Lucas has decorated it. Brooke and Haley walk together as Haley discusses her academic progress she needs to make to graduate. Peyton walks up behind them and makes a backhanded comment about Haley leaving for the tour. Brooke apologizes for Peyton, walks to catch-up with Peyton. As Haley walks alone, a bunch of girls make fun of Haley as Nathan watches. Mouth comes up to him and asks for an interview; Mouth resentment and heart break over Erica Marsh through his questioning. Dan comes to see Coach Durham to tell him about the board meeting to get him fired. Ellie goes to see Lucas about her buying drugs for her cancer and help with getting to know Peyton. Lucas struggles at basketball at the river court when Dan comes looking for a confrontation. It reaches a boiling point, when the river court guys show up and Dan leaves.

Peyton and Nathan walk to class; he asks her how she dealt with seeing around school after they broke up. Haley and Brook discuss finding rent money because Brooke spent this month’s and Peyton, when they reach each other face-to-face. Mouth pops in with a commentary on the tension, the bell rings and everyone goes their separate ways leaving Mouth standing alone. Haley goes to see Coach Durham about Nathan and he gives her detention for being in the boys’ locker room. Haley and Nathan end up in detention together alone, monitored by Whitey.

Haley and Lucas discuss how detention went, passing each other during a class change. The girls from earlier continue their hazing with Haley and one other the girl are about to get into a fight that Coach Durham brings up. Haley calls him Whitey while thanking him and he gives her detention. Nathan and Haley end up in detention alone again, monitored by Whitey. Nathan asks her about the fight and when Hale approaches the subject of them, he shut her down. Nathan comes home to find Dan playing basketball. Dan tells Nathan about trying to get Whitey fired. Lucas discusses Ellie with Peyton on their way to her room and when they arrive, they find Larry and Ellie looking through her drawings. Peyton gets upset and storms off. At their apartment, Brooke tells Haley that she got a job at “Suburban Filth”, and the scruchie system. Brooke tells Haley that some people play hard to get to know the other person’s feelings are real. Nathan goes to Karen’s Café looking for Lucas; Karen remind him that he told her that he would give anything to have Haley back. Peyton is sitting at the intersection of her mother’s death, when Larry shows up apologizing for letting Ellie in to her room. He tells her that she should talk to someone about her feelings.

Mouth is walking outside the board meeting, reporting for his when site when his commentary moves into his feeling about Erica dumping him. Lucas tries to advise Mouth to get over it. Mouth tells him he takes comfort in his hurt about Erica. In the meeting, Dan is giving a speech about how the boys need a coach that can give them a Championship. Karen gets a speech about how Coach Durham has taught the boys he coach more than basket, how to be men. Lucas and Nathan discuss coach Durham and it being Nathan’s team. Peyton comes to Lucas and apologizes for earlier. Whitey comes out and tells everyone waiting that he is still the head coach. Later Lucas and Peyton are talking in the gym, when Dan comes in to finish their confrontation. Peyton tries to lead Lucas out but Dan stops her. The confrontation leads to Dan coughing Lucas and Peyton telling Dan that Lucas was saving him not trying to burn him. When Dan remembers he releases Lucas and tells them not to discuss what just happen to anyone.

At home going through a box of stuff, Nathan finds a bottle of sand from the beach from his wedding day. Lucas is at Brooke and Haley, when Haley asks him what happen to him and he tells her that a pick up game got rough. Nathan comes to talk to Haley and they go for a walk. He tells her that he does not want an annulment because it means they were never married, but wants a divorce. After the mandatory year separation if things are better, he wants a divorce. Brooke gives him an offer that he refuses. At the school, Mouth goes to see Coach Durham for and interview. He gives Mouth and exclusive that he is retiring after this year, he tells Mouth not to report it until after the first game. As Mouth is about to leave he asks Coach how do you get over losing someone and Whitey tells him to sit down. Lucas and Haley write their prediction. Lucas wants to be with… and the camera cuts to Haley writing she want to be back with Nathan. Dan gets the police report from a cop friend. The next day at school Nathan walks with Haley to protect her from the picking.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Charmed 158

Desperate Housewitches
Season 8 Episode 4

Leo tries teaching Billy, who is concentrating her nunchuks, about the magic world. Billy concentration starts moving them telekinetically, then Leo distracts her, and she throws them through the window in the attic.

Downstairs, Piper struggles to make Wyatt’s outfit for his play. Paige comes downing looking for her makeup that Wyatt has magically taken. Piper has a hard time adjusting to her new identity and Paige is getting ready for her date she met on-line. Phoebe enters the room declaring that all sign point to Dex being the father of her baby. Stepford Mom, Mandy played by Michelle Stafford helps find a pin that is sticking in Wyatt, while implying that Jo (Piper) as a distance cousin is inadequate. Mandy asks Jo about the other costume and tells that it is no problem for her to whip one up for him. After Piper leaves Mandy demon burns his outfit in front of Wyatt. Paige meets her morning date, start by discussing what they do. Her date is so boring that all his words become blah, blah blahs. She sees a sexy woman kiss Dex. Paige goes to see Phoebe and asks her how well she knows Dex and Phoebe tells her everything will be fine. Billy is training her telekinetic when Leo and Piper come in arguing. Leo is trying to prevent Piper from casting a spell to make Wyatt’s costume. Billy wants to go to magic school, but Leo tells her no. Because it is the center of good magic and the sisters do not want to be exposed. Mandy shimmers into Magic school now a haven form evil. She wants Magic School cleaned and straighten for when she brings Wyatt back. Mandy falls to the ground reveal a demon that possesses her to get close to Wyatt.

Piper is in a better mood now that she finished his second costume. Paige tells Piper that she interfering to stop Phoebe from marrying a cheat. Piper tells Paige that Phoebe will kill her if she finds out. The demons are almost ready to bring back “The Source”. The female demon repossesses Mandy and returns back to earth. Paige converses with the woman she saw kissing Dex, her name is Sylvia. The moms make Jo (Piper) feel inadequate and push her to her breaking point. Leo calls Piper because Billy wants to go to Magic School and they discuss Mandy. Billy uses a potion to send her and Leo to Magic School, where they discover it been taken over by evil.

Leo explains that with evil in Magic School, demons have the knowledge to destroy good magic. They cannot get back to warn the sister because Billy did not make a return potion. Therefore, they knock out to demons and take their clothes to blend in and search for the spell. Piper comes home to an empty manor. Mandy creates a cookie for Wyatt to eat instead of the sandwich Piper made; she gets Wyatt to orb the sandwich against the wall. Paige glamour into Sylvia and confronts Dex about cheating on Phoebe. Paige is startled that Phoebe comes and calls out Phoebe’s name. Billy and Leo undercover are searching for the spell when Mandy returns with Wyatt.

Billy overhears the demons discuss bring back “The Source”. Leo finds the spell and Billy to return and get the sisters. Piper goes to pick up Wyatt and is informed that Mandy has taken him but left her own his behind. Piper realizes that Mandy is evil. Phoebe pounces on Paige as she enters the house. Piper comes home and tells them about Wyatt being kidnapped. They go to the attic to scribe for Wyatt, when Billy recaps the situation to the sisters. “The Source” is brought back before the sisters get there.

Mandy tells the source that it was she with the added of the Charmed heir that brought him back. As “The Source” approaches Leo intervenes, that he knows the boy and Wyatt orbs to him. The sisters orb in hidden from “The Source” as he clears the hall. “The Source” is leery of Leo and figures out that he’s Wyatt’s dad. The sisters throw the witch from Mandy’s body and vanquish her, thus vanquishing “The Source” again because they were connected. Later Paige finds Billy actually studying the books, Billy admits that there is many things she needs to know if she going to keep fighting demons. Dex comes to see Julie (Phoebe) to apologize about Sylvia. He explains to her that he only wants her. Phoebe thanks Paige and tells her never do it again. Leo, Piper and baby Chris go to Wyatt’s play, where a confused Mandy has attended also.