Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Lost S3E01 (Tale of Two Cities)

ABC 9pm
4 October 06

It is revealed that the others were living peacefully on the island, when the plane crashed. Henry Gale sent Ethan Rom and Goodwin into the survivors. As it was a Jack centric episode, in the past Jack became obsessed with the man that his wife left him for. At one point, he thought it was his dad. In the present Jack escaped and floods his captivity, it is an aquarium for dolphins. Juliet played by Elizabeth Mitchell, uses Jack obsession with his ex-wife to break him down which is a lie constructed by Henry Gale.

Sawyer has a chance to escape but was stunned by Elizabeth Mitchell and recaptured. It took him two days to figure out the puzzle to get foot. After he figured it out, He found out that it took the bear two hours.

Henry Gale made Kate take a shower and wear dress. He setup a nice breakfast on the beach. When she asked him why he did it, he replied he wanted her to feel like a lady and have a good memory to think of because the next two-week would be unpleasant. When brought to the captivity across from Sawyer the Mr. Friendly said that the scratched her up pretty good and that he would bring some antiseptic.

  • When didn’t find out why “The Others” were there.
  • Henry Gale is the leader of the more aggressive and dominant group of “The Others”.
  • Elizabeth Mitchell seems to be the leader of the passive group of “The Others”.
  • We did not find out what they did to Kate.
  • I think Gale put Kate with Sawyer because of the way she phrased “Where are Sawyer and Jack?” and not “Where are Jack and Sawyer?”

Points I found conflicting:

Sawyer should have punched Juliet and kept running, instead he stops to stare at her. To me I am in enemy territory, until I am in familiar territory everyone unknown is an enemy and killed accordingly.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Smith S1E03 (Three)

3 Oct 06
CBS 10pm

This episode finds the group doing prep for the ½ precious metal heist. Tom and Jeff go to the LaGrange, Oregon National Guard Armory and steal a 50-caliber machine gun using kittens to get the solider to kill the alarm. In Reno International airport Bobby and Tom scout, the security and plane they want to use for the heist. In Tucson, Arizona the steal a garage truck, a water delivery, truck and rent a moving van to steal an armored truck for the precious metal heist.

The FBI identified that the “Phone Guy” Smith is dead, and start a search for missing male between 25 and 60. They visit Darcy Collins husband in prison, locked up in Ionia Maximum Security Prison in Ionia, Michigan. An anonymous tip, two days after a 100,000 robbery led to his incarceration and a few days later Darcy Collins disappear, leaving everything behind and fell off the grid.

  • Bobby visits Mark Langley, a potentially new electronics man. Bobby spots Hope following him and changes his plans to help paint the armored car. He questions Hope about following him and she lies to him. He has Tom and Annie check out Mark to make sure that he not drinking.
  • Hope follows Bobby twice, questions him about his travel plans, and goes to an Al-NON-meeting.
  • Annie uses sex as a weapon. She sleeps with a Commercial Real Estate Broker. She tells Tom it is her financial advisor when he picks her up to investigate Mark Langley.
  • Tom expresses paranoia about being with Annie to Jeff during the Armory robbery.
  • Joe is visited by Jackson, Shaun’s bookie at the shop and Macy at home. After Jackson visits Macy, he stays to protect her and sleeps with her.
  • Mark Langley supplies Bobby with electronics to disable the signal and GPS of the armored car. Denies that he is on the sauce but during Tom and Annie's investigation he stumbles out of a bar in a drunken stupor.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Smith S1E02 (TWO)

CBS 10pm

The Pittsburgh FBI Office identifies that there were six people in the heist. Annie, Tom, Jeff ram-raid an identity storage facility. Charlie commission Bobby for another job that has to be done within five weeks dealing with a half ton of precious metal. Tapafaha comes to Venice Beach.

  • Bobby wants out, he needs 10 million in his portfolio but only has 4.262 million. He tells Charlie than his cut must be a minimum of half million. He is only doing 4 or 5 more jobs.
  • Hope is investigating the Pittsburgh robbery on her on. She searches Booby’s thing but doesn’t find any evidence. She talks to Macy and suspects that Shawn was the one killed.
  • Jeff doesn’t trust Annie; on the Venice board walk he seen a motorcycle he likes and when the ride winks at him he steals the bike. He may have had a relationship with Annie while Jonny was away.
  • Tom is hung up on Annie. He buys a junker to pass for his ride to show his parole officer.
  • Annie real named is Darcy Collins. The FBI met with her parents, after they left her father called her to inform her that they were looking for her.
  • Tapafaha is a drug dealer Samoan from Hawaii looking for the killer of his brother and cousins. With and very good artist rendering of Jeff.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Smith S1E01 (Pilot)

Tuesday 10 pm

Smith is the grittier Ocean’s 11. It follows Ray Liotta, a criminal mastermind, and his crew as they living the double life, having jobs by day and committing criminal at night.

In this episode we found, Ray Liotta as Bobby Steven, He has a loving wife Hope play by Virginia Madsen. Bobby works for a concession distributor in a job place their by his fence Charley play by Shohreh Aghdashloo (House of Sand and Fog). Virginia Madsen works for a doctor that she may or may not have had an affair with. We find that Bobby may be getting tired of the life.

Bobby’s crew consist of:
Simon Baker, who plays Jeff a sociopath weapons expert. Jonny Lee Miller, of Hacker fame, plays Tom a recently released from jail on house arrest, has a previous relationship with Amy Smart’s Annie and is Jeff’s brother.

Amy Smart plays showgirl Annie who, specialty in the crew is getting. Frankie G plays Joe, the mechanic of the crew and Mike Doyle, the explosive specialist, who ends up dead when the heist goes bad.

In this episode we found out that

  • Annie is a cold straight to the point person. She “pimps” out a strung out waitress from ids.
  • When confronted Jeff will shoot you form a far than have face-to-face conflict. He sleeps with needy woman.
  • Hope has her suspicion about Bobby. She has 5 months on parole for what we don’t know and Bobby may or may not know.
  • Joe had a relation with Shaun’s wife in the past and she wants to restart the relationship.
  • Tom recently release from jail is warned by his brother that Annie is wrong for him. After the heist on the plane he hooks up with Annie on the plane.
  • Bobby and Hope had a rough patch in their marriage. Bobby is getting tired of the life.
  • The owner of the business has a problem with Bobby working at the company, but Charlie is protecting Bobby. Charlie, Bobby’s fencer gave him the job for his cover.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Battlestar Galactica

Question: Is Commander Adama a sleeper cylon? In Episode 2.07 Home Part 2, When he first sees the second Sharon and looks at her, and she downloads the memory of him asking "Why?" to the dead Sharon in the morgue. How would she know that information if he were not a cylon?

Monday, January 02, 2006

Surface 11

Episode 11
Season 1 Episode 11

In Seaside, Oregon, Paramedics attend to Daughtery and Rich as they are being transported to the hospital. One of the paramedics offers to hold the tape for Laura and she refuses. News crews are waiting for them when they arrive at the hospital. Rich tries to tell them about the tape and Laura tells him that they have to be smart about releasing the tape or the world could see them as crazy. A.S.I. Headquarters in San Francisco, CA, Lee gets information on Laura and Rich’s rescue and sends FBI to collect them from the hospital. He wants to be interrogating them within the hour. At the Aquarium of the Carolinas in Wilmington, NC Miles goes to visit a dead Nimrod. Technicians are putting the body on ice when Dr. Blum tells the technicians to give Miles sometime alone with Nimrod. Alone Nimrod sneezes, another technician comes in and Miles tells him that Nim sneeze. The tech tells him that Nim is dead until Nim sneezes again and starts to move. He warns the technician not to touch Nimrod. Then Nimrod jumps and hides in a dark corner. Miles watches Nimrod with amazement.

Miles tries to comfort Nimrod by feeding him a fish. Alerted to Nimrod being alive Dr. Blum tells Miles to get him in the tank. Miles tells that they will take him and Dr. Blum tells Miles that he would never let anyone take Nimrod away from him. Daughtery as a nurse if he has heard anything on a Jackson Holden, the nurse tells her no and that she should concentrate on getting better. When he leaves, she sees two suspicious looking men in the reflection of a monitor. She gets out of bed to find Rich. She finds Rich hiding in a bathroom and they realize that they have to leave. They wander the hospital for an unlocked from to duck into to. They find one and it is the doctor lounge. They steal a sleeping doctors, phone, clothes and ATM card. Once out of the hospital Daughtery starts to call her son and Rich stops her; telling her that they will trace the call. While Rich is using the ATM, Laura calls her ex-husband to find out Jesse and he tells her that men are looking for her and that it’s not safe for her to come. Dr. Blum congratulates Miles’s mother on her terrific son. Then introduces them to David Howell from North Carolina Oceanographic University and Dr. Hammaker, from the Smithsonian in Washington, DC. Rich and Daughtery go to Copy City, to upload the film on the Internet and make DVD copies of the tape. Keith the associates, tells them about uploading the tape to He is amazed at what he’s looking at.

Miles explains how Nimrod was born, how Phil named him, that he trained Nimrod to do tricks, and that he likes electricity and salt. He takes his mom and David in to see Nimrod, Miles gives them ground rules about being around Nimrod, and they watch Nimrod feed on a fish. Lee is informed that Daughtery and Rich have skipped the hospital and have trace Daughtery’s phone call; the agent plays the call back for Lee. Keith uploaded the tape to, made the 15 DVD copies and e-mailed the link to the entire OSU history department. As Laura and Rich leave Copy City the find a McDonald’s. While eating, Laura calls information for a number to a reporter friend. Daughtery and Rich have trouble hitchhiking and they decide to go old school; the lonely female on the side of the road and they are picked up. They are studying Nimrod and kick Miles out. Miles goes to the gift shop after being kicked out the lab; he meets a cashier named Caitlin. She tells him that its revisionist history, and that he does not know Dr. Blum as well as he thinks. Rich and Laura make it to San Francisco and make contact with Ann, Laura’s reporter friend. At the television station, they tell their story to Ann and ask her to find out about Rich, she looks at the tape. Ann shows it to some of her colleagues and tells Rich and Laura they will get back to them. Miles goes back to the lab, where he finds they have drugged Nimrod and are about to perform an evasive procedure on him. Dr. Blum kicks miles out a second time and tells him that it is not a time to be selfish.

Caitlin finds Miles sitting on the pier. She shows him her scare from a jellyfish sting and he shows her his scare from the attack but tells her it a dog bite. She invites Miles to go surfing, but he turns her down. Laura and Rich are eating and waiting to hear from Ann at the hotel. She shows up and tells them that the station is running the piece. They ask for a change of clothes and a laptop; Ann informs them that the coast guard found Jackson boat on the coast of Long Beach, Ca with sign of a struggle but no Jackson. Caitlin comes to Miles’ house and they sneak out. They stop for gas for her motorbike; she tells him they are going to see Nimrod. As they are leaving, she tells Miles to hold on tighter and pulls his arms around her waist. Daughtery gets ready for the interview and tells Rich that it would be more credibility to the tape if the only she did the interview.

Rich and Laura watch the piece; it makes Daughtery seem more of an unreliable source. Lee is alerted to the interview. Laura’s ex and Tracey, Rich’s wife, both watch the piece with amazement. Rich and Laura get discouraged after watching the piece.

Caitlin and Miles change to go swimming in the big take. She makes another pass at Miles. Dr. Blum catches Miles, Caitlin and Nimrod swimming in the big tank; who turns out to be Caitlin’s father. He tells Miles that it would be better if he did not return to the Aquarium.
Laura and Rich get drunk; Rich checks the MSNC site counter and finds out 61000 people have download the video. Miles, walking home, declines Caitlin’s offer for a run home, but does accept her apology. As Miles is walking, alone he notices his affect the electrical light outside a brown stone. In Rich and Laura’s hotel, room there is a knock at the door. The man identifies himself has having a fax to Laura. She asks Rich, who is in the shower, if he is expecting a fax, She goes to the door and is about to open it when we seen the man at the door and two others hiding out side of Laura’s view.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

inJustice 1

Brother and Sisters
Season 1 Episode 1

Voiceover says every trial has a verdict but not every verdict results in the truth. Caption on the screen the jury believed at McDermott Residence, 364 Berkeley Hills, Berkeley, CA on March 3, 1995. A reenactment proceeds. A woman tries her key three times and the pulls a gun from her pullover and break the corner panel window of the back door. She cuts her hand ask she sticks it through to unlock the door. Once inside she wraps her hand in a towel and finds a flashlight. She goes up stairs from the basement into the living cabinet and takes some cash, leaving blood on the door. A man heard a disturbance comes downstairs to investigate. In the kitchen, he calls the police and while on the line the female intruder shoot the man twice, once in the chest and once in the head. Then she runs out the front door and a neighbor walking his dog, identifies her. A caption reads Jane McDermott, 1st degree Murder 20 yrs to life.

Present: Jane McDermott is in prison declaring that is not what happened. She claims she broken in two days earlier and that someone else broke back in and killed her father. Jon Lemonick (Daniel Cosgrove) ends the interview and gets up to leave. His colleague Sonya Quintano (Marisol Nichols) tells her that the interview went find and that her brother was wrongly incarcerated too. Sonya tells her that she needs an advocate to stay on them about her case. Jane tells her that they are her first visit in six years. Jane tells Sonya that her brother thinks she is guilty. Sonya asks her again about the gun she used to get in and Jane tells her she never had a gun she used a loose brick by the door. At Project Justice, David Swain (Kyle Mac Lachlan) hears people pitch their different cases. Jon does not pitch Jane’s case, so Sonya does. Charles Conti (Jason O’Mara) and Swain look over the transcript and finds bad facts. Swain and Conti decide to take the case. Conti, Sonya and Brianna (Constance Zimmer) go to the McDermott residence. Conti and Brianna walk through the transcript of the crime, while Sonya checks the back door for the loose brick. Conti concludes that the case does make sense.

Conti comes into the war room and writes the fact of this case on the board. All the fact go to her breaking in which she admits to doing except the eyewitness, Mr. Kim. His identification and testimony goes to murder. He erases all the facts to the break-in and asks for other facts for the murder; the only other facts are the 911-call placed at 11:30 and the ballistics report. Swain plays Tetris on his palm pilot during a lawsuit meeting. At the prison, Brianna and Sonya interview Jane about her alibi. Jane tells them that she bought smack at 10:10 and she and Carla Pearce did not shoot up until 111:30, and that she took Carla to St Vincent around midnight because she had a bad reaction to the drugs, but there is not record of a Carla Pearce at St Vincent. Before leaving, Jane asks Sonya to give her brother a letter. Over the phone, Conti tells Brianna to investigate St. Vincent and Sonya interview the Brother. Conti gets the ballistic report from Jane’s former defense attorney. Conti as his ex-wife to run the ballistic report through the system and she declines. Lemonick interviews Mr. Kim asks him about a discrepancy in the police report and testimony, He said he saw a Lion on the pullover in the report but a leopard in his testimony. He also gives Lemonick another angle to investigate, why the father and the brother argued. Sonja upsets the brother and he kicks her out, without reading the letter.

Swain listens to the 911-call and listening gives a different account than the transcript would have you believe. The scripts leads you to believe his pleading for his life but when Swain listened it sounds like McDermott is in control of the situation and is surprised when he’s shot. Conti meets his prosecutor wife at the priest office for annulment counsel. Conti explains that he committed adultery from the very beginning of the marriage. The priest says now that he is taken over the church are less tolerant in granting annulments and that they have to have eight months of counseling before grant the annulment. Conti’s ex explains that she is getting married in the spring and the priest says he will help her reschedule the wedding. After leaving the priest office, she runs the ballistic report for Conti, as he will be lying about being an adulterer for eight months. Brianna has waited two hours to see someone in record, but discovers that St. Vincent dumps patients with no insurance to the county hospital. Lemonick and Quintano argue about his treatment of women, when they are informed that Jane already has a visitor. They come in to find Andrew, her brother, arguing at Jane about them interviewing him. Jane tells them to see Eileen DeBreezi about what the argument was between her father and Andrew. Eileen thinks the argument was about Andrew taking from the till. Andrew goes to Project Justice to complain about Sonya when Conti walks into Swain office with proof that Jane is innocence. Conti tells Andrew that there was a Carla Pearce; everyone was looking in the wrong hospital. Andrew becomes more cooperative when he realizes Jane is innocence. Andrew claims that his father had a gambling problem and that they argued over the missing money to pay for them. Conti’s ex brings the ballistic report that shows the gun was used in another crime. The go to see Jose Saldano to find out where he got the gun. Looking at another 45 years in jail, Jose gives up Tony Russell. Swain takes the 911-can to a sound specialist; she isolates breathing and a flushing sound under the smoke alarm. Conti, Lemonick and Sonya look at McDermott financial records and conclude that Eileen DeBreezi was paid not some gambling company.

Swain and Conti visit Eileen again and ask her about the monthly 3000 and the final 30000 payments. She tells them that they had an affair but it was over 4 years before his death and that the payments were living expense. Swain comments that she looks a lot like Jane. Eileen replies that she was 40 when the murder happened, no one who confuse her for a fifteen year old. Swain is listening to the isolated sounds and realizes that it is an asthma inhaler. Andrew and Jane have a reconciliation, before being questioned by Lemonick and Sonya on the affair and Tony Russell. At Project Justice they break down the facts they have discover and realize the payments were child support not living expense.

They have collected all the yearbooks in a 15-mile radius of Eileen DeBreezi’s home. Lemonick tells them to look for a leopard on the cover. In the yearbook, they find a Lisa DeBreezi would looks as though see could be Jane’s twin. Conti tells them to look for a Tony Russell but finds that Lisa and Jose dated in high school. After talking to Lisa Conti’s ex will not prosecute until Lisa pulls out her inhaler. They bring in Jose who flips on Lisa. There is a flashback to what happen the night Mr. McDermott was killed. Lisa went to see him and demand more money. Mr. McDermott asks Lisa to calm down and then he calls the police. Lisa pulls a gun, shoots him twice, and runs out the front door where Mr. Kim mistakes her for Jane. Jane’s verdict is vacated with prejudice and she is free to go. Jane and Andrew embrace and thank Project Justice.