Thursday, November 10, 2005

Smallville 95

Season 3 Episode 7

At Metropolis University, Lana is looking over information on the meteor showers. Clark shows up with Chinese food and gets her a package left outside her door. The note along with the silver vein meteor rocks says, ”Giving your major I thought you would like this, Lex.” Clark pricks his finger on the silver meteor rock. He leaves when Chloe shows up. On his way home Clark has a crash because of a black SUV. When he gets back, to the road, he gets a call and the caller says, “they know whom he is.” At the farm Jonathan, his read a paper that has an article about Lex declaring his candidacy for Kansas Senate, He and Martha discuss the drawbacks of him running, someone finding out about Clark. When Clark comes in, declares it maybe too late, and recaps what happened.

Professor Fine gives a lecture on powerful men being betrayed by someone close to them, because of human’s duplicitous nature. As Clark is leaving class a meteor rock falls out of his bag and the projector flashes a message only he can read, “I know how to kill you.” Walking across campus he runs into Fine, who tells him he thinks he is being followed by a black SUV too. Fine Gives Clark a license plate number. Clark has Chloe run the number at the Daily Planet. Chloe has her doubts that it is really Lex behind the black SUV. When she goes to check on her fax, Clark notices that she been in contact with Lionel Luthor and accuses her of tell his secret to Lionel Luthor and leaves. Lana goes to the mansion to see Lex about the rock and he denies knowing anything about it. Lex shows Lana the spaceship. At the Kent farm Lionel Luthor comes to see Jonathan and her offers his help. He believes Lex hunger for power will devour the earth. Clark watches in the shadows as Jonathan takes money from Lionel and agrees to let Lionel run tests on Clark.

Lana runs her hand over the ship and Lex explains that it is a frictionless surface. Lex explains denying knowledge of the ship was to protect her. She figures the only reason he told her was because she is the only one who has seen it open, and his scientist are stumped. Lex turns it around telling her that this ship could hold all the answers to her questions about the meteor showers. Clark confronts his father about the pay off. When he pulls out the supposed money, it turns out to be bank statements. When he approaches Jonathan Martha gets in Clark’s way and he throws her across the room. Her chokes Jonathan in the air and he tells Clark that he was never his son, just something he found in a corn field, Chloe weaken Clark with a meteor rock. He accuses them all of collusion with each other and he super-speeds away. Martha asks Chloe how long she knows about Clark’s secret. Chloe explains what happen, they inform her of the affects of red kryptonite, and she informs them about silver k. Lana has return to her dorm room to find Clark there waiting for her, he tells her that they need to go north to get away from Chloe and his parents. He hears Chloe coming and tells Lana not to trust her and leaves, when Chloe reaches the room she realize that Clarks has been there and ask Lana about the silver kryptonite

After Professor Fine’s class, Clark goes to see him and updates the Professor, who tells Clark that he has not seen Clark in a week. The Professor has a staff meeting and tells Clark to wait in his office. When Clark enter the room it changes and Clark sees Lex giving a speech telling some under seen persons that Clark is the first in a vanguard of an alien race her to conquer Earth. Lex tells him that he is going to kill Clark. Lana goes back to the mansion to accuse Lex of poisoning Clark. Outside Clark watches and he imagines that Lex and Lana kiss.

On the phone, Lex deploys his security team to help the Kent’s find Clark. The lights go out and Lex goes into the hall to investigate. Lex his confronted by Clark. Clark tells him that all the test and things was about Lex getting Clark out of his way to Lana. Lex tries to tell Clark that he does want to hurt him and Clark throws him down the hall. Clark uses his super hearing to follow Lana to the basement. There he uses x-ray vision to find her; when Lana asks about Lex Clark chokes her unconscious. Professor Fine comes and tells Kal-El that he does want to hurt her. The super fight until Professor Fine gets them up hand and removes the splinter from Clark. Professor Fine reveals that he is kryptonian and super speed away. Lex reaches the basement to find an unconscious Lana in Clark’s arms.

Clark comes to see Lana in the hospital and finds Chloe sitting with Lana. Chloe makes her exit, Clark, and Lana talk. She forgets him, Chloe told her that the rock gave him temporary powers and made him paranoid. She tells him anything he saw was imaginary. He tells her that he thought Lana and Lex were talking about a ship and kissed. When he leaves the room, he thanks Chloe for covering for him. They discuss not finding the rock and her e-mails from Lionel about Lex. She tells Clark that she would die before revealing Clarks secret. Lionel goes to see Lex and rubs in that he was beat by a jealous lover and that he needs to clean out his closet. At the Kent’s Jonathan tells them that he’s not running and Clark encourages his dad to run, He tells Jonathan that they will deal with whatever comes as a family. In the barn, Professor Fine who calls him Kal-El visits Clark. He explains that he is there to help him stop whatever is coming and to show him the true kryptonian way. Clark asks him why poses as a professor and Fine replies that he needed to see how much human’s had influenced him. Clark defends the human race. Fine goes to the ship and reveals that the silver in the rock was part of him.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Veronica Mars 28

Rat Saw God
Season 2 Episode 6

People are gathered at the Mars residence as they are waiting the election results. At the sheriff department, Lamb is watching the news when a man comes in to talk to him about the Felix Tooms murder. He claims to be the eyewitness to the murder. At a party, Dick forgives Logan for sleeping with Kendall. Veronica watches the result and is frustrated that Keith lost. Dick and Gia talk about his dad leaving. Veronica arrives at the party when GIA consoles Veronica about the election and questions Veronica about Dick. Deputy Sachs comes and arrests Logan for the murder of Felix in front everyone at the party. Keith calls with his congratulation and finds up that they brought up the bus. Veronica goes to the office and finds Abel Koontz; he is sick and waiting for her. He wants her to find his daughter.

Veronica agrees to find Amelia as Logan is in a line acting sarcastically. Lamb tells Logan after the line to get a lawyer, that with Lamb’s pull Logan will be to get bail. In voiceover, as Veronica is walking across a college campus she explains that Amelia trail went cold on May 27. At Mike's dorm, Amelia's boyfriend informs veronica that Amelia left him in Ibiza; he had to call his parent for money to get home. Then Veronica goes to see Amelia’s roommate and she explains that it was not typical of Amelia to party. Then She returns to Mike’s to get the number of the calling card she took. She leaves a message about Amelia on the Ibiza website. Appointed as Logan’s public defender, Attorney Cliff tells Logan to get a real lawyer because it is going to trial. While with Logan, Cliff gets a call from Veronica asks him to find out the caller usage on the calling cards. Veronica finds out that Amelia used on of the cards last week in Neptune. Logan is place in a holding cell with his father.

Aaron questions Logan on his jail stay and tries to convince Logan that he did not kill Lilly, that they only had sex, he pointing the finger at Duncan. Logan reminds him of his attempt on Veronica’s life. Cliff comes to see Logan to tell him he made bail. Veronica finds the phone to the number and it turns out to be a pay phone across the street from Kane software. Veronica goes to see Clarence Weidman with her information on Amelia Delongpre. Duncan and Dick are confronted by Weevil who gloats about Logan. Weevil is informed that Logan made bail and suggests that something be done to welcome him home. Veronica finds that Amelia ‘s cousin rented a car last week. Lamb is driving Logan home when a call comes across the radio about a disturbance at Logan house, they get there to find it burning to the ground.

The rental manager played by Joss Whedon gives Veronica the make and color of the car Amelia rented. Veronica leaves and changes her appearance, comes in when the manager leaves and gets another employee play by the America’s top model week winner, to Onstar the car. It is in Waverly, Ca. Keith goes to see Lamb to get an update on the investigation and finds out about Veronica been brought in. Veronica goes to the Palm Tree motel in Waverly. The attending makes Veronica pay, for the room to look inside. Keith calls Veronica and wants her to send him a photo of where she is at and informs her he knows about her being quested by the Lamb. She tells him about Curly Moran. She sets the photo in the room against the wall to look like a gallery she told him she was shopping in, to send to Keith. When she goes to send Keith the picture her laptop picks up Amelia’s bluetooth connection to her palm pilot. She pays the attending another to see the room beside her and finds nothing. She pays another 30 for the room other the other side and finds nothing. As she is leaving the room Veronica looks in the ice machine and finds Amelia’s body, when Veronica returns to her room to call the police, Weidman is there waiting for her.

Clarence explains that Amelia extorted another quarter of million. He marked the bills and this is the first place they showed up. Veronica and Clarence confront the attending that tells her she checked in with her boyfriend. Keith goes to see Aaron and shows him how easy it would be to get him. Clarence hangs Mike out the window to get information about Amelia. In school, Weevil confronts Logan about an eviction notice for his grandmother’s house, Logan, bought her note. They become violent towards each other before a teacher breaks them up. Veronica is sending Wallace e-mail when she gets a video call from a young woman answering veronica post about Amelia. Veronica finds out they are looking for the wrong guy. The guy they are looking for is Carlos Macado and she updates Weidman. Veronica goes to the hospital and lies to Abel about Amelia. Veronica goes to Duncan and finds him asleep with a magazine over hi head. When she lies on top of him, Duncan comes out and she realizes its Logan, he is staying with Duncan now. Keith breaks into the warehouse holding the bus and finds dead rats under the seat of the bus.

One Tree Hill 50

Locked Hearts and Hand Grenades
Season 3 Episode 6

A reporter on television talks about the brawl during Midnight Madness, revealing the team watching a recording of the news footage. Then Whitey makes them run suicides and tells them that they are going to pay back the school and the community with pain. Dan is peeing in the pool. When Deb comes down Dan questions her about his side of the house being backed up and she goes for a swim. Haley pretends to bump into Nathan to talk to him about him and Lucas fighting, her cheerleading, and her working with Chris. Peyton and Brooke walking to class discuss Lucas and Rachel, and her jealousy. Brooke finds Lucas and apologizes for the other night at his car, while he puts up flyers for his fantasy basketball league. As Brooke and Lucas enter in the hallway, Ashley and Bevin are fighting over a boy. Coach Durham reprimands Brooke and tells her if she can control her squad they will be disbanded. Brooke calls and emergency squad meeting and to end the bickering over boys she comes up with the Fantasy Boy Draft.

Brooke explains the rules of the draft and the consequences of hitting on someone else pick as they pull compact with draft numbers out of a pocket book. Deb comes to the café and she tells Karen about clogging Dan’s side of the house. Karen shows Deb her campaign posters when Dan pulls up across the street with a giant billboard. Brooke passes a note to Peyton about the draft and is caught. Rachel helps Brooke out by use a law case that forbids teacher from reading note unless there is a suspicion of danger. Lucas congratulates her on his way out, Brooke tells her that she did not need her help as she passes Rachel in the hall. Lucas and Brooke talk about the boy draft as the walk down the hall. Rachel offers to let Peyton listen to a copy of a rare CD and Peyton declines and walks away. After turning the corner in the hall, Peyton comes back for the CD. Brooke and Haley discuss Lucas struggles to keep up as the team run suicides. Mouth discusses with Peyton his chances of being picked. Whitey rides Lucas and makes them run suicides again. Brooke bribes Bevin with a necklace to find out Rachel’s pick, Chris Keller. Chris is in the studio telling Haley her song sucks, he asks her about Nathan and that she needs to work through her pain and uses it if she wants her music to get better.

Lucas and Skillz talk about not seeing that much of each other, his back seat antic, his health and Bevan watching all week. Peyton and Brooke walk on the campus discuss Brooke’s manager showing her designs t the corporate office. Peyton comments on the male populace acting Stepford-ish; Brooke demonstrates the power of the Fantasy Boy Draft by knocking Peyton’s books out of her hand and immediately five boys run up to pick up her books. Haley and Peyton discuss working with Chris and Peyton walks away before Haley can explain. The girls are stand around scouting guys when Rachel shows up with dossiers on the most eligible boys. Lucas is alone in the gym working out as Peyton is in the courtyard drawing. The girls are around campus scouting different boys. The girls have boys waiting line to have there photo’s taken and Mouth gets rejected by the girls. Lucas struggles in his work out when Dan shows up belittling and wanting Lucas to talk to his mother about dropping out of the race. Bevan daydreams about pinching Skillz behind as he drinks water. At the café Haley explains to Lucas, that his perform is a side effect of the HCM medicine and she threatens to tell White if he does not.

Haley places ‘Janis Joplin’ on the board of famous songwriters, when Chris comes in. As they her discussing her songwriting, Chris places Haley name on the board to the objection of Haley. Deb places laxatives in the coffee before Dan comes in. Dan comes to Karen’s café to gloat about a news article when the pills take effect. Nathan meets Peyton in the hallway and tells her he did not know how it was with her mother from her podcast. Peyton offers to Nathan to pick him if he does want Haley to. Lucas goes to see Whitey about his performance and Whitey lets Lucas sit as he works the team twice as hard. Bevan asks Haley about her situation with Nathan, and Bevan tells the rest off the girls Nathan’s off the market, as Peyton tells him she is picking him to a shocked Haley.

Brooke and Rachel pretend to be friendly as Whitey passes by. Peyton pulls Brooke down the hall before they start fighting again and as they are walking away, they discuss Peyton drafting Nathan. Lucas explains to Haley that he must work harder to be on the team and Haley explains that it could kill him, as they are at his locker. Mouth makes last minute campaign outside Brooke’s apartment as cheerleaders enter. Haley declares to Peyton that if she drafts Nathan, she is not going anywhere. Rachel and Brooke squabble of the exact location of her mural Peyton painted. Brooke goes to Haley with a place to screw over Rachel. Nathan brings Keller money for Haley’s studio time. Lucas and Karen discuss Dan and having to work harder to win. The Boy Draft begins and with the first draft Peyton picks Mouth, how cheers for joy out the window. Brooke picks Chris Keller before Haley can object. Rachel traded with Bevan and picks Lucas. Haley picks Nathan. Bevan picks Skillz and so on and so on, to a flabbergasted Brooke.

Brooke confronts Bevan on why she traded and we realize Bevan is not bright. Brooke confronts Rachel and Rachel use Brooke’s rules for the draft against her. Haley thanks Peyton for not drafting Nathan and Peyton tells her it was because she fought for him that she did not. As Deb and Karen are closing the café, they see a smear commercial by Dan. From this point on includes a voiceover from Lucas. He struggles to complete 16/60s and start again when he does not. Karen and Deb get Dan’s billboard towed away. Brooke reluctantly writes Lucas in the Draft Results. Peyton finishes her drawing and places it on the wall. It has a banner of ‘Where are they now?’ with three drawings: one of Peyton reflecting Ellie in front of a mirror, a headstone with Sawyer on it, and the drawing from last year of Jake with Jenny. Haley adds Scott to her name on the wall. Nathan leaves the gym as Lucas continues to work alone.
The voiceover: Out of the night that covers me, black as the pit from pole to pole. I thank whatever god maybe for my unconquerable soul. In the fell clutch of circumstance, I have not winced nor cried aloud, defeating the bludgeoning of chance; my head is bloody but unbowed. Beyond this place if wraith and tears looms but the horror of the shade and yet the menace if the year finds and should find me unafraid. It matters not how strait the gate… how changed with punishments the scrolls. I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Prison Break 10

Sleight of Hands
Season 1 Episode 10
Michael at the tattoo parlor getting work done on a set of nine cards, cut to Abruzzi playing cards on the beach alone. PI Workers are constantly working on St Louis, constantly walking on the hole. Bellick and John discuss who is really paying Bellick. Bellick states that the only reason he comes to Fox River is for the payment from Falzone. John approaches Michael about giving up Fibonacci to Falzone to get PI back before the hole is discovered. In the chapel, Michael explains to Lincoln who Fibonacci is an innocence man just like Lincoln that was in the wrong place at the wrong time, doing the right thing. Fibonacci was a middle management that saw Abruzzi kill a man.

Kellerman and Hales get a call from the Vice-President, telling them that she brought in a problem solver. Kellerman and Hales discuss their problem. Hales questions his involvement and Kellerman threatens to put a bullet in his head. Sucre shows Michael that St Louis PI is getting ready to lay the carpet down in St. Louis. CO Louis gives Lincoln his last meal request form. C-Note pays Gus 150 dollar to be on PI. Michael approaches Abruzzi to set up a face-to-face meeting with Falzone.

Abruzzi sets up the meeting and warns Michael not to mess this up. Michael calls the number hidden in the tattoo cards. A sexy female answers the phone and Michael reminds her of some instruction he gave her about Fibonacci. In the infirmary Michael and Sara discuss it being her birthday and her being bitter about her father never seeing her on her birthday, just sending flowers. C-Note working on St Louis PI finds the on-ramp to route 66. Veronica and Nick discuss LJ as the watch him from the kitchen window. Nick goes out talks to LJ, explains that he understands him and that his father was in the same situation. Mr. Quinn, the problem solver, comes and explains to Kellerman and Hales, that they are off the case and that he is in charge now. Mr. Quinn snaps Kellerman finger when Kellerman challenges him. Veronica and Nick figure out that EcoField received somewhere in the neighborhood of 500 million dollars in government grants for research and never developed anything. In the visiting room, Michael and Abruzzi meet with Falzone, and Michael explains how he found Fibonacci. Michael tells Falzone he wants 200,000 thousand dollars and Abruzzi pulls out a picture of Veronica.

With the threat of Veronica’s life on the table, Michael gives Falzone, Fibonacci’s address 345 Hamilton Avenue, Thunderbay, Ontario, Canada. Michael returns to his cell, Abruzzi tells Falzone to tell Fibonacci good-bye. In Montgomery, Illinois Kellerman goes to see the Vice-President and explain to her that she made a mistake bringing in “The Company”. That their agenda is bigger than their and that, bring in “The Company” can get them killed. Mr. Quinn goes to see Sebastian Balfour, under the guise of being an insurance agent looking for Veronica about her apartment explosion. Lincoln gets stir crazy in his cell. He gives CO Louis his last meal request: Blueberry pancakes. Veronica gets a message from Sebastian, who turns out to be Quinn on the other side tracing her, after killing Sebastian. Falzone and crew reach the address as we cut to Fibonacci pulling to bed his children and Michael lies in his cell.

Canadian Mounties arrest Falzone and crew as they approach the house, for the hit. Fibonacci turns out to be in Topeka, Kansas. Abruzzi makes a call and finds out that Falzone has been arrested. After one day, in the infirmary, Sara has thrown her flowers, sent by her father, away. Michael tries to make her smile by leaving an origami flower. Abruzzi goes to tell Michael about the news and warns Michael about double-crossing him. Lincoln remembers a breakfast with LJ, when he was about five, and making him blueberry pancakes. Westmoreland and Michael talk about Abruzzi getting his position back when C-note interrupts. C-Note tells Michael they have a lot to discuss after dropping concrete on the table. Michael blows him off and C-Note tells him Darwin in law in her not Einstein. Back in St Louis Michael tells the escapees that they are leaving Friday. Michael tells Lincoln that they are going to Panama and open a scuba shop. Bellick brings C-Note stands on top of the plaque and alludes to the on-ramp. Abruzzi tells Bellick to sign him up. At the cabin, Nick and Veronica watch the news as the Vice-President gives a speech and the report explains that she has the biggest war chest of any Presidential candidate almost guaranteeing his appointment to the Whitehouse. They figure out that is where the 500 million dollars went as Mr. Quinn watches them from outside.

Surface 7

Episode 7
Season 1 Episode 7

At Portland Regional Airport, Air Traffic Controllers loses a plane in clear skies, than the pilot claims is a lighting storm. We see the plane goes down due to a pod of the species.

Miles and Phil watch as paramedics treat the dogcatcher. While driving Rich dumps, Laura phone so that they can be traced and Rich starts wildly speeding and weaving through traffic to lose a black SUV. Lee confirms that they lost them and he regroups the team to the marina. Daughtery leaves Rich on an inlet dune and swims to the marina for help. Phil and Miles discuss how much trouble they are in. Miles tells Phil that he can bail and Phil decides not to. A police officer is interviewing Miles’s parents about Miles. Laura climbs aboard Jackson’s boat in the marina. Laura explains the situation and needing some place off the radar to hide. Miles, Phil and Nimrod run into cops as they are leaving a golf course. The cops try to play on Miles sympathy and acknowledge his call to 911 and they run from the cops. They get to a fence to small to take the cage so they let Nimrod out and continue to run.

Jackson in his plane takes Rich and Daughtery to his smuggling camp owned by his uncle, 25 miles N of Shelter Cove, California, called “The Bone-yard.” Jackson looks at the Franken flower and almost drops it. Jackson takes the flower and puts it into the refrigerator. At Fort Meade, Maryland, Lee explains Cirko’s death to a pentagon official. Miles Nimrod and Phil approach a convenience store and have words with a pizza delivery guy. Miles calls Savannah and asks her to bring him his money; his dad gets on the phone and Miles hangs up. Rich and Laura look over the document they got from the storage shed. Cirko predicted that there would be over 20,000 of the species in 5 years. Rich finds documents on sightings and victims; he finds a file on his brother. Someone has known about the species for 4 years. Daughtery and Rich concluded finding where they are. Miles and Phil discuss how to get out of this situation and traveling when the cops show up. The cops and the pizza delivery guy approach the back of the store.

As the cops approach the back of the store, Phil, Miles and Nimrod steal the pizza car. Miles and Phil figure out how to drive a stick. Daughtery figures the animals congregate at around one mile down. Rich keeps pushing Daughtery until Jackson shows up with fish for dinner. Rich accidentally knocks over the Franken Flower in the refrigerator. Lee tells the official that species is not a National Defense problem but a Game and Wildlife Department problem. After the official withdraws funding, Lee tells someone on the phone that the situation is under control and that Daughtery Is missing with a few boxes of research. Phil starts to freak out and Miles tells him that he can bail; Phil tells that Nimrod needs to go back to his people. They head for Wrightsville Beach. At the Bone-yard Daughtery goes into the house for beer to find the Franken Flower has grow out of the refrigerator and directly into the electrical socket. Daughtery figures the species is depended on electricity.

Phil and Miles pull of the road to remove the pizza sign. Phil gets a phone call and Miles tells him not to answer it. It is for Miles, it his mother and she tries to comfort Miles on the phone, when we tries to hang up she alert Miles that they are tracking him. Daughtery concludes that electricity essential for them to live. They figure out where the species will be in late November. They go through the junk and find stuff to build a submersible. The Guardian explains that Cirko was one of his best graduate students; Lee has gotten him 8 months. The Guardian has a fraken flower in his garden.

Miles and Phil are driving to the beach when the cops cut them off. When they try t turn around, they are stuck in the sand, Miles and Nimrod run to the beach. Phil is arrested and they chase Miles and Nimrod. Miles leads Nimrod to the ocean and sets him free.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Charmed 161

The Lost Picture Show
Season 8 Episode 7

Billy scribes for her sister, when Paige comes into the attic to see what Billy is up to. Paige tries to reassure Billy that if her sister is alive they will find her. A photographer closes up his shop and pulls out a parchment with several photographs of people on it. He puts his hand over on of the pictures and the man falls out of the parchment, his name is JD. JD realizing he’s in danger runs from the demon’s shop and gets hit by a car.

Paige asks Piper to borrow her car as her is empty and she’s late for a job appointment. Piper tells her that her is too. Leo tells her that he just filled it up. Paige is trying to become a social worker again and Phoebe tells her that is good that as a social worker she could help her adopt a child. Paige tries to help Leo with his problem with Piper. She tells him to go see a marriage counselor. Sam orbs in to see Paige. Paige tells him to go away and they discuss him coming around only when he needs help. Paige tries to get one of her other sisters to help Sam and they both tell her to help him as he is her father. Piper and Leo are seeing a mystical marriage counselor who garden in the park. Phoebe is at a sperm bank trying to find a donor for her baby. Paige relents and Goes with Sam to the hospital with Agent Murphy to find JD. Agent Murphy suspects the doctor and confronts him, in the stairwell with an unconscious JD, who turns out to be the demon. The demon tries to kill Agent Murphy who puts five rounds in him with no effect. The demon shimmers away before Paige and Sam can enter the stairwell with a stunned Agent Murphy on the floor.

They get JD back to the manor. They discuss why JD hasn’t aged and the demon’s reason for keeping JD alive. Leo and Piper listen to the babbling gardener and Piper get a “911” text from Paige. As they are leaving, the gardener switches their bodies. Phoebe is at the sperm bank with the counselor being to specific at what she wants. The counselor tells Phoebe that after 50 applicants if she can’t find a right donor she doesn’t want to find a right donor. JD awakens and Sam heals him; together they figure out JD’s last memories. It of him on a date at a driven when a man takes a photo of him, then he wakes up in a shop. Switched Leo and Piper bring Billy back to the manor. She charges Sam 12 dollars an hour to baby-sit until she sees JD and does it for free. Sam orbs to Agent Murphy office. Sam asks her what was taking so long and she replies that she just got there. Sam tells her that it wouldn’t takes so long if she would just orb places. They figure out that one of the last missing victims went to see a photographer.

JD explores the manor. Billy’s phone rings and she checks it, which spooks JD. JD’s cigarette sets off the smoke detect and in the commotion the television gets turn on which Billy previously told JD was broken. All of the freaks JD out and he flees the manor. Paige, Sam and agent Murphy go see a man that lost his daughter. Agent Murphy finds out where the studio uses to be, Paige, and Sam tell him its too dangerous for him to go. The demon has been listening the entire to and shimmers away to prepare for there arrival. JD is exploring the modern world with amazement. JD finds out the date and goes to find his father. Phoebe comes home to discuss her problems with her sister and finds out that they are switched. JD finds out that his father just died alone at 93. Billy tells JD the truth about magic. At the photographers shop Sam and Paige argue over being a whitelighter. She storms off leaving Sam to be captured by the demon.

Phoebe explains why the marriage counselor gardener did this to them, giving them a chance to walk a mile in each other’s shoes. Billy comes in with JD and informs them that JD knows the whole truth. Paige talks to one of the sisters on the phone and has an encounter with the demon; reveals that he feeds off the misery of others and that she can have her father back for JD. The sisters discuss the demon’s motive in the attic. JD tells Billy not to obsess over her sister like his father did him. When Billy tries to stop JD from saving Sam, he incapacitates her with a throat choke, while kissing her. JD confronts the demon and is killed by fireball.

Phoebe comforts Billy about her guilty of losing JD. Paige tries scribing for Sam. Leo and Piper tell her to call for her dad. When Sam arrives, he brings all the other captured innocences. When the demon arrives to recollect all the victims, Paige takes his picture capturing his picture. Sam and Paige discuss their relationship. Agent Murphy helps all the victims find their love ones.