Wednesday, October 12, 2005

One Tree Hill 46

From the Edge of the Deep Green
Season 3 Episode 2

Lucas is placing rocks for a fire when Dan runs past “Starting another fire?” Brooke writes an available boys list on Peyton’s closet doors so the don’t have another Lucas situation. Brooke gets Lucas, Mouth, Anna and Lifeguards, half the basketball team, Nathan’s Uncle Cooper, Peyton’s dad Larry. Peyton gets Jake, Nathan*, the rest of the basketball team, all the guys from the river court, Dan and the Foo fighters. Lucas comes across Nathan playing at the river court, Nathan challenges Lucas to a game of 11 for their friendship, and Lucas loses.

Brook brings Haley a coffee and shows her the redecoration of the apartment as the talk about Nathan Lucas, and Peyton’s mom situation. Peyton is at an outdoor café when Ellie shows up and Peyton sits down and asks her why she gave her up. Ellie tells her that at the time she was born Ellie love drugs more than her. Ellie also reveals that she tried to see Peyton 8 years ago. Peyton confronts Larry to explain why he didn’t let Ellie see her. Lucas comes to Brooke and Hales’ apartment, he and Brooke start making out until Haley walks in. Brooke leaves the room to get ready to go to the beach. Haley and Lucas discuss his situation with Brooke. Lucas reveals to Haley that Nathan is back.

Haley goes to the Scott house looking for Nathan and Dan answers the door. He asks her if she’s looking for her leather glove and she tells him that she does own any leather gloves. After a brief conversation, he tells her that Nathan is not there and she leaves. Lucas and Brooke add wood to the circle of rocks and they discuss the non-exclusive deal, then Brooke goes for a swim. Karen tries to learn hip-hop vernacular. Karen explains that Andy isn’t coming back because he wants to start a family and Karen does want to have any more kids. Nathan is at the school gym working out when Haley find him, they discuss there future together and the decision they have to make. She leaves and he continues with his workout. Lucas sees Ellie score some drugs and sees him.

Brooke comes to Peyton’s to bring her to the beach party. Tim corners Brooke with a box of things to burn on the campfire. Dan reads the fire report at the beach house. Brooke gives a speech before the light the fire. Peyton plays depressing songs. Dan comes into Karen’s café asking for a coffee, after a brief conversation Karen refuses to serve Dan and tells him to leave. Tim sings an obnoxious song about going skinny-dipping. Lucas and Haley talk about their dating situations. Lucas talks to Peyton about Ellie, and he tells her about Ellie scoring drugs. Brooke asks Peyton to play something less depressing. The party livens up, with Brooke making out with the lifeguards as Lucas looks on. Later in the night Brooke, ask Lucas if he wants to go skinny-dipping. Lucas sees Haley looking for Nathan and asks for a twenty-minute extension; she gives him 15 minutes and then the offer goes wide. Lucas looks for Nathan and finds him at the river court; he tells Nathan that Haley is waiting for him and if he hurts her, Nathan will have to deal with him.

When Lucas gets back to the beach Brooke is skinny-dipping with the lifeguards. Tim wants Haley to sing her song “When the stars go Blue”, when Nathan comes by and throws Tim’s guitar in the fire, to the cheers of the crowd. Brooke in a towel comes to take to Lucas when the lifeguards tell Brooke to get back in the water. Haley gets the cold shoulder from Peyton, and then she puts on her song. Nathan asks to talk to Haley, he apologize for not telling her that he was back, but he’s not ready to be with her yet. Haley wants to know what he wants from their relationship because she loves him. He doesn’t know what he wants or when they might get back together, if ever.

Lucas finds Haley again and the go for a walk. Along their walk Lucas comes upon Brooke surrounded by guy when he declares his love for he and continues his walk with Haley, leaving Brooke and Nathan standing there watching them. Peyton gives Ellie her cocaine vile. Lucas comforts Haley and jokes about the start of their friendship again. Dan is walking on the pier when he seen Lucas lit by the fire and flashes back to the night of the fire at DSM remembering Lucas in the fire.

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