Thursday, November 03, 2005

Smallville 94

Season 5 Episode 6

Chloe is answering the phones at the Daily Planet on the third shift. Lois is there keeping her company trying the earn brownie points to get her to help her move into the talon apartment. Chloe gets a call from a frantic woman needing to speak to a reporter now. Chloe and Lois get to the location the young women is run over by a speeding SUV that does not stop.

Clark discusses with Jonathon, as they are working on the farm, the women in his life. A Blue-green Charger comes barreling down the Kent’s driveway. Jonathan walks out to meet the Charger as it skids and slides 6 inches from Jonathan. It’s revealed that the driver is Senator Jack Jennings, a old friend of Jonathan, play by Tom Wopat; here’s there to clear his head and get Jonathan to rally the farmers now that Lex Luthor is running for Senator. Officer Maggie Sawyer interviews Chloe and Lois on the hit and run. Unsatisfied with were the investigation is heading Lois and Chloe continue there investigation and find out that there is a club near where the girl was killed. Jack is in the Kent’s’ living room telling childhood stories to Clark. Maggie Sawyer shows up at the Kent’s’ to ask Senator Jennings about the picture found of the girl in his lap at a club. Clark goes to see Lex about his mudslinging campaign. Lex informs Clark that he has nothing to due with the photo but knows it was taken at the Windgate, an exclusive men’s club in Metropolis. Lex gives Clark a membership pass to continue his investigation. Chloe and Lois try to get in the Windgate using the front door, but are turned away so they use the backdoor. Chloe and Lois ask around with not luck. They break into the office where they are discovered. To explain why they are in the office Chloe throws Lois to the wolves telling the manager and his bodyguard that Lois is there to strip.

Lex stops by to see Senator Jennings at the Kent’s. Jonathan throws accusations at Lex until Lex pulls out cell phone records that prove Senator Jennings knew the stripper better than he let on. Lois is getting dressed behind a curtain as Chloe continues to try and get information from the other dancers. Clark enter the Windgate using the pass that Lex gave him and telling the greeter that he’s there to see Jack Jennings. Lois becomes reluctant to dance when Chloe convinces her that the big man with the gun would like it if she didn’t dance. Clark, clearly out of his element asks for a Coke straight up on the rocks. The DJ introduces to the stage “The All-American Girl”. An inexperienced and awkward Lois begins to strip, as she starts to get the rhythm and comfortable on the stage she spots Clark. She walks off stage to him and gives him a lap dance as not to draw suspicion to them as they talk. Clark has an awkward moment of trying to play a twenty on Lois. Clark over hears the owner sell Lois to a European dude fro 500 K. The police bust in and Clark loses sight of Lois, the European, and then gets arrested. The European sneaks Lois out the back door.

The police round up everyone in the club looking for underage workers. Clark and Chloe pass each other in the round up both surprised to see each other and looking for Lois. Clark hears a bouncer talking to Office Sawyer that clears Senator Jennings of Melissa’s death. Backstage Chloe finally gets the dancers to talk and one of them informs her that Lois was take by the European. Detective Sawyer release Clark and Chloe due to Lex calling in a favor. Senator Jennings is talking to his campaign manager when Jonathan comes up in Jack’s Charger and they go for a ride. Jonathan asks Jack for answers. The European brings Lois back to his hotel room where he gives her a dress the same as Melissa to put on. He takes photos of Lois and when she tries to leave the bodyguard incapacitates her.

At the Daily Planet, Clark and Chloe combine, their individual clues to figure out where Lois has been take. It turns out that the European guy is a foreign diplomat. Clark arrives to the room, with Chloe on the phone, to find it empty except for warm computer. He prints out the last thing printed and it’s a fake passport for Lois. Chloe tells him that there is a helipad on the roof and Clark super speeds to the roof where he hooks a cable to the helicopter to prevent it from lifting off. It awakens Lois who fights off her kidnappers in the helicopter as Clark brings it down. Once the police show up the Officer Sawyer informs Clark and Lois that because he is a diplomat he has immunity to any crime he commits in the United States, and he is free to go. Clark thanks Lex for his help; Lex tells Clark the darker side of King David as a way to illustrate that our hero’s have flaws.
Senator Jennings apologizes to Clark and they discuss disappointing Jonathan. Senator Jennings decides to pull out of the race. Jennings prepares himself to go back to Metropolis but before he leaves, he tells Jonathan that he should run for Senator. Clark gets hoodwinked by Lois into help her move. At the apartment, Chloe show Lois and Clark her very first byline in the Daily Planet. Lois thanks Clark for his help.

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