Thursday, November 10, 2005

Smallville 95

Season 3 Episode 7

At Metropolis University, Lana is looking over information on the meteor showers. Clark shows up with Chinese food and gets her a package left outside her door. The note along with the silver vein meteor rocks says, ”Giving your major I thought you would like this, Lex.” Clark pricks his finger on the silver meteor rock. He leaves when Chloe shows up. On his way home Clark has a crash because of a black SUV. When he gets back, to the road, he gets a call and the caller says, “they know whom he is.” At the farm Jonathan, his read a paper that has an article about Lex declaring his candidacy for Kansas Senate, He and Martha discuss the drawbacks of him running, someone finding out about Clark. When Clark comes in, declares it maybe too late, and recaps what happened.

Professor Fine gives a lecture on powerful men being betrayed by someone close to them, because of human’s duplicitous nature. As Clark is leaving class a meteor rock falls out of his bag and the projector flashes a message only he can read, “I know how to kill you.” Walking across campus he runs into Fine, who tells him he thinks he is being followed by a black SUV too. Fine Gives Clark a license plate number. Clark has Chloe run the number at the Daily Planet. Chloe has her doubts that it is really Lex behind the black SUV. When she goes to check on her fax, Clark notices that she been in contact with Lionel Luthor and accuses her of tell his secret to Lionel Luthor and leaves. Lana goes to the mansion to see Lex about the rock and he denies knowing anything about it. Lex shows Lana the spaceship. At the Kent farm Lionel Luthor comes to see Jonathan and her offers his help. He believes Lex hunger for power will devour the earth. Clark watches in the shadows as Jonathan takes money from Lionel and agrees to let Lionel run tests on Clark.

Lana runs her hand over the ship and Lex explains that it is a frictionless surface. Lex explains denying knowledge of the ship was to protect her. She figures the only reason he told her was because she is the only one who has seen it open, and his scientist are stumped. Lex turns it around telling her that this ship could hold all the answers to her questions about the meteor showers. Clark confronts his father about the pay off. When he pulls out the supposed money, it turns out to be bank statements. When he approaches Jonathan Martha gets in Clark’s way and he throws her across the room. Her chokes Jonathan in the air and he tells Clark that he was never his son, just something he found in a corn field, Chloe weaken Clark with a meteor rock. He accuses them all of collusion with each other and he super-speeds away. Martha asks Chloe how long she knows about Clark’s secret. Chloe explains what happen, they inform her of the affects of red kryptonite, and she informs them about silver k. Lana has return to her dorm room to find Clark there waiting for her, he tells her that they need to go north to get away from Chloe and his parents. He hears Chloe coming and tells Lana not to trust her and leaves, when Chloe reaches the room she realize that Clarks has been there and ask Lana about the silver kryptonite

After Professor Fine’s class, Clark goes to see him and updates the Professor, who tells Clark that he has not seen Clark in a week. The Professor has a staff meeting and tells Clark to wait in his office. When Clark enter the room it changes and Clark sees Lex giving a speech telling some under seen persons that Clark is the first in a vanguard of an alien race her to conquer Earth. Lex tells him that he is going to kill Clark. Lana goes back to the mansion to accuse Lex of poisoning Clark. Outside Clark watches and he imagines that Lex and Lana kiss.

On the phone, Lex deploys his security team to help the Kent’s find Clark. The lights go out and Lex goes into the hall to investigate. Lex his confronted by Clark. Clark tells him that all the test and things was about Lex getting Clark out of his way to Lana. Lex tries to tell Clark that he does want to hurt him and Clark throws him down the hall. Clark uses his super hearing to follow Lana to the basement. There he uses x-ray vision to find her; when Lana asks about Lex Clark chokes her unconscious. Professor Fine comes and tells Kal-El that he does want to hurt her. The super fight until Professor Fine gets them up hand and removes the splinter from Clark. Professor Fine reveals that he is kryptonian and super speed away. Lex reaches the basement to find an unconscious Lana in Clark’s arms.

Clark comes to see Lana in the hospital and finds Chloe sitting with Lana. Chloe makes her exit, Clark, and Lana talk. She forgets him, Chloe told her that the rock gave him temporary powers and made him paranoid. She tells him anything he saw was imaginary. He tells her that he thought Lana and Lex were talking about a ship and kissed. When he leaves the room, he thanks Chloe for covering for him. They discuss not finding the rock and her e-mails from Lionel about Lex. She tells Clark that she would die before revealing Clarks secret. Lionel goes to see Lex and rubs in that he was beat by a jealous lover and that he needs to clean out his closet. At the Kent’s Jonathan tells them that he’s not running and Clark encourages his dad to run, He tells Jonathan that they will deal with whatever comes as a family. In the barn, Professor Fine who calls him Kal-El visits Clark. He explains that he is there to help him stop whatever is coming and to show him the true kryptonian way. Clark asks him why poses as a professor and Fine replies that he needed to see how much human’s had influenced him. Clark defends the human race. Fine goes to the ship and reveals that the silver in the rock was part of him.

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