Thursday, December 15, 2005

The OC 61

The Chrismukkah Bar Mitz-vahkkah
Season 3 episode 10

Seth, Summer Ryan and Marissa are pick out a Christmas tree for the Cohens. They separate into Marissa & Summer and Ryan & Seth the both talk about Johnny. They deliver a Christmas tree to Johnny. He tells them that he can't have the operation because he can't pay for it.

Sandy and Kristen reflect on the Chrismukkah holiday present and future. At the diner, Seth comes up with the idea to give Ryan a bar mitzvah to raise money Johnny's operation. Kristen goes to see Julie, they discuss her situation and the fundraiser. Summer talks to her father about getting a Christmas tree. Marissa and Ryan tell Johnny the plan and he won't accept their help.

The four discuss the situation and Summer calls Johnny their own "Tiny Tim"' The Cohens (Ryan, Seth, Sandy & Kristen) discuss the idea and think it is great. Marissa goes to convince Johnny but he blows her off. Kristen and Julie go to the hospital to talk to someone about the bar mitzvah fund raiser and run into Dr. Roberts. Seth watches his disappointing bar mitzvah. Marissa sees Johnny making a suspicious deal while waiting for Ryan at the diner; she confronts him about. Johnny tells her that's its nothing and as they go to hug he try's to kiss her and she deflects him but Ryan see what happens and leaves.

Ryan has no to the bar mitzvah. Dr. Roberts and Summer discuss her mom and why she left. Dr. Roberts believes Summer's mother was unhappy being in Orange County with him. Sandy gives Ryan one of his famous uplifting speeches. Kristen tells Julie to tell Marissa about her situation. Ryan and Marissa discuss what happen last night. Ryan says he has a habit of showing up at the wrong time. Ryan goes to Johnny's on Marissa's suspicious and snoops around in Johnny's room while he's in the bathroom. Ryan also convinces Johnny to come to the fundraiser. When Ryan leaves, to let Johnny get ready, it's revealed that Johnny purchased a gun.

At the party, When Ryan and Johnny arrive Ryan tells Marissa not to let Johnny out of her site. Julie arrives at the Roberts' home to talk to Marissa. Dr. Roberts and Julie talks sparks fly. While talking family photos Marissa gets in on the action for one photo and loses Johnny. Ryan goes after him as Sandy is introducing him. Seth, Summer and Marissa act out the story of Hanukkah. Johnny goes into a 'Mini Mart' at closing acting suspicious making the cashier suspicious, who's caring a gun behind the counter. Ryan comes in just time to distract Johnny from making his move. Ryan order a pack of Marlboro and a lottery ticket. Ryan convinces Johnny to let the rich people help. With the fundraising bombing Marissa and Summer start singing Christmas carols. Ryan arrives with Johnny and the Chrismukkah bar mitz-vakkah continues without a hitch. Julie arrives to the fund raiser with Dr. Roberts. Seth gets the dance from Summer he wanted 5 years ago at his bar mitzvah. The last scene of the show has Ryan, Marissa, Seth, Summer, Johnny, Dr. Roberts and Julie dancing in a line to "That's What Friends Are For"

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