Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Smith S1E03 (Three)

3 Oct 06
CBS 10pm

This episode finds the group doing prep for the ½ precious metal heist. Tom and Jeff go to the LaGrange, Oregon National Guard Armory and steal a 50-caliber machine gun using kittens to get the solider to kill the alarm. In Reno International airport Bobby and Tom scout, the security and plane they want to use for the heist. In Tucson, Arizona the steal a garage truck, a water delivery, truck and rent a moving van to steal an armored truck for the precious metal heist.

The FBI identified that the “Phone Guy” Smith is dead, and start a search for missing male between 25 and 60. They visit Darcy Collins husband in prison, locked up in Ionia Maximum Security Prison in Ionia, Michigan. An anonymous tip, two days after a 100,000 robbery led to his incarceration and a few days later Darcy Collins disappear, leaving everything behind and fell off the grid.

  • Bobby visits Mark Langley, a potentially new electronics man. Bobby spots Hope following him and changes his plans to help paint the armored car. He questions Hope about following him and she lies to him. He has Tom and Annie check out Mark to make sure that he not drinking.
  • Hope follows Bobby twice, questions him about his travel plans, and goes to an Al-NON-meeting.
  • Annie uses sex as a weapon. She sleeps with a Commercial Real Estate Broker. She tells Tom it is her financial advisor when he picks her up to investigate Mark Langley.
  • Tom expresses paranoia about being with Annie to Jeff during the Armory robbery.
  • Joe is visited by Jackson, Shaun’s bookie at the shop and Macy at home. After Jackson visits Macy, he stays to protect her and sleeps with her.
  • Mark Langley supplies Bobby with electronics to disable the signal and GPS of the armored car. Denies that he is on the sauce but during Tom and Annie's investigation he stumbles out of a bar in a drunken stupor.

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