Thursday, September 29, 2005

Smallville 89

Season 5 Episode 1

A continuation of season 4’s finale finds Clark in the North Pole unlocking his Fortress of Solitude. Upon entering, he grabs a crystal and the voice of Jor-El welcomes Clark to his home.

Lana is near the landed space ship that opens with a blinding light, where two figures comes out of it. Law Enforcement show up and the two figures use their heat vision to destroy all the cops. Lois arrives at the Kent farm half destroyed. Jonathan is looking for Martha buried under debris; she’s barely breathing. In the cave, Lex awakens to find himself alone in the cave, and the key still in the table. The two kryptonian enter the cave looking for Kal-El. They take the key and after inspecting Lex they realize he’s not Kal-El. Chloe awaken in snow trying to get her bearing she sees the Fortress in the horizon and heads for it. Jor-El’s voice informs Clark that the fortress is a replicate of Krypton it will aid in his study. He must study diligently if he wants to defeat the great dark force that has awakened. Clark begins his study. Chloe enters the fortress and as she approaches Clark, the climate in the room changes preventing her from getting near him.

As he is, studying Clark hears Chloe’s voice that distracts him. Jor-El tells him that he can’t let human emotion get in his way. Clark tells him he will not let Chloe die. Jor-El says he can leave on if he returns before sunset, Clark promises. Speeding down the road Lex almost hits an injured Lana. She claims that they are not safe that there is a spaceship that two people can out and they will return. In the hospital, Clark and Chloe discuss his abilities and how long she has known. Chloe promises to keep his secret. Then they see a newscast from Kansas and Clark goes back at Chloe’s urging.

Lana awaken in the Luthor Mansion to scratching. Its Lionel Luthor scratches a symbol in the floor. He informs Lana that the disciples of Zod must be stop and that there home is their poison. Martha wakes up with Jonathon by her side; Lois checks to see if Martha is ok, an explosion erupts. The two kryptonians question Lois and Jonathon about Kal-El. Lana shows up and tells them that she knows where Kal-El is. They take her away for her to show them. Clark arrives at home looking for his parents. Lex appears and questions him about the caves and Chloe.

Clark arrives at the hospital and Lois informs he of the disciples. Lana leads the DOZ to the vault where they are weakened. They reseal the vault. They knock Lana out and as they are about to kill her, Clark shows up. The three of them fight and the DOZ are trapped into a vortex similar to the one in Superman 2. As the sun sets he decides to help Lana instead. Tending to her, he cut his hand on glass and finds the key.
Jonathon and Martha arrive from the hospital to the devastation of their farm to find Clark rebuilding. He informs them that he is normal. Chloe awakes to a presents in the room she thinks its Clark but its Lex. Clark goes to the hospital to see Lana. They discuss what they said in the barn and what’s next. They decide to be together with no more secrets and lies. Lana ask Clark if he believes in aliens. She tells him about the ship in the field. Clark goes to find the field empty. The ship is revealed to be at Luthorcorp with a liquid dripping out of it. It correlates into a humanoid.

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